Thirty-Second District PTA
Board Nomination Information

Applications for the 2025-2027 term
Thirty-Second District PTA is looking for volunteers to serve on the District Board.

  • Each nominee must be enthusiastic about, supportive of, and passionate about PTA and its mission.

  • Each nominee should know the PTA's influence in the county and state in advocacy, partnerships with other organizations with similar interests, leader training, and family engagement.

  • Each nominee must be willing to commit time to their role in PTA and be able to attend all District meetings.

  • Each nominee must be able to work well with people.

  • Each nominee must meet the required qualifications for the elected positions (see below).

Information on Officer Requirements and Job descriptions

Job Descriptions are not limited to what is listed and include the General Responsibilities of Board Members and responsibilities outlined in the District Bylaws and Standing Rules.

For more information, please email

  • From the Thirty-Second District PTA Bylaws:



    Each Officer or board member of this District shall be a member of a local association within this District.


    a. Only those persons who are eligible and who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to office.

    b. Nominees for the offices of president, treasurer, financial secretary, auditor, or any elected Officer who is authorized to sign checks, shall not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household.

    c. No member shall serve concurrently in more than one elected or appointed District office.

    d. To be eligible for an elected District office, a person must have served on an association and/or council, or have served on the District board for at least 1 year.

    e. During his/her term of office, a council president shall not serve as an elected or appointed District officer.


    To be eligible for the office of president, a person must:

    a. Be a member of a local association in good standing within the District PTA boundaries at least thirty (30) days prior to election;

    b. Have served an association and/or council as president, or have served on the District board for two(2) [number] years.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA include but are not limited to the following:

    • Responsible for PTA activities in Contra Costa County.

    • Continue the team-building process. Provide orientation for any new officers or chairs.

    • Prepare meeting agendas.

    • Attend all Board of Managers meetings of California State PTA and report information back to district PTA officers and chairs and member councils and units.

    • Serve as liaison for district PTA to California State PTA.

    • Review all service mailings from California State PTA and National PTA promptly. Be alert for any due dates that affect the district PTA and the member councils and/or units.

    • Represents Thirty-Second District PTA at allied agency and coalition meetings or determines who will represent the district.

    • Lead district PTA officers and chairs in the performance of their duties. Delegate district responsibilities, including the organization of new units, to appropriate officers and chairs.

    • Submission of district PTA officers and chairs names to California State PTA

    • Assist with workshops and training for member councils and units.

    • Work with appropriate chairs to plan events.

    • Conduct the election of new officers at annual meeting as specified in the bylaws. Immediately following the election, send names and addresses of new officers to California State PTA.

    • Conduct the election of delegates to the California State PTA convention.

    • Assist council and out-of-council unit presidents with the performance of their duties.

    • Review all district PTA communications, including newsletters, electronic and social media before printing, mailing, or posting.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Executive Vice President include but are not limited to the following:

    a) perform the duties of the president in their absence or disability;

    b) support and assist the president as requested;

    c) be familiar with the responsibilities of each chair;

    d) together with the president, propose the chairs and members of the standing committees for ratification by the board

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA First Vice President of Leadership include but are not limited to the following:

    a) be a member of the Leadership Academy Team and the Charter Team;

    b) provide training and support to the District’s units and councils as needed;

    c) arrange for training, including monitoring and mentoring newly organized units, struggling units, and, after consideration, upon any unit’s request.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Vice President of Membership include but are not limited to the following:

    • be a member of the Charter Team;

    • work with councils to promote membership;

    • invite advisors and representatives to become a member of their local PTA;

    • assist councils and units in achieving membership goals;

    • distribute membership cards based on the current policies of CAPTA and National PTA;

    • assist councils and units in meeting minimum membership requirements before October 15 each year;

    • monitor and assist units in jeopardy of losing good standing due to membership, and include their status in the District board meeting reports;

    • distribute the monthly CAPTA membership reports to District board members and councils;

    • include membership counts, with a comparison to the previous year’s total memberships counts and TOTEM membership counts, in their District board meeting report;

    • with the treasurer, maintain and reconcile unit, council, and district membership counts to the CAPTA records.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Vice President of Communications include but are not limited to the following:

    • manage the electronic and digital services required by the District;

    • maintain a schedule of communication, available to the treasurer, of all communications services and accounts, including the vendor name, vendor contact information, subscription renewal dates, cost, District system administrators, all user IDs, and passwords;

    • provide a digital District board roster to all board members, incorporating appropriate security and sharing privileges;

    • maintain the District calendar;

    • maintain the District website with the assistance of the District board;

    • post the schedule of District board meetings and District association meetings, and others as appropriate, on the District’s website;

    • publish events, programs, and meetings on the District calendar well in advance of events;

    • publicize District communications to CAPTA, districts, councils, and units as appropriate;

    • maintain authorized and approved Thirty-Second District newsletter, social media, website, and email communications with current, correct, and relevant information;

    • prepare and post notices of upcoming activities on the District website and social media accounts.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Vice President of Legislative Advocacy include but are not limited to the following:

    • promote and participate in the District and CAPTA legislative and advocacy activities;

    • support regional legislation and advocacy events as appropriate;

    • inform and educate councils and units of pending and proposed legislation and advocacy efforts of the District and CAPTA;

    • with the appointed District and council representatives, coordinate attendance at and participate in the CAPTA Legislation Conference;

    • coordinate visits with local legislators;

    • assist councils with council legislative and advocacy activities.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Vice President of Programs include but are not limited to the following:

    • coordinate District board members’ efforts to propose, plan, promote, and execute programs of interest to the PTA community;

    • inform councils of current family engagement and community concerns events, activities, and resources.

    • promote CAPTA and National PTA programs as approved by the District board.

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Secretary include but are not limited to the following:

    • prepare and distribute minutes of District board and association meetings;

    • maintain a record of attendance at District board and association membership meetings

    • encourage District board members to record volunteer hours each month

    • notify council historians of the due date for submission of volunteer hours to the District.

    • prepare the Annual Historian Report for submission by the president to CAPTA before June 1 each year

    • prepare minutes, including officer, committee, and council reports, for permanent retention

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Treasurer include but are not limited to the following:

    • follow procedures as outlined in Financial Procedures of these Standing Rules and Procedures;

    • submit per capita dues and insurance premiums to CAPTA at least monthly, and as required by CAPTA;

    • with the vice president of membership, notify council presidents and the District Board of units with fewer than 15 members or units with unpaid insurance premiums and monitor both until all units comply;

    • maintain all District bank accounts with current authorized signers and view-only access

    • coordinate with the Financial Documents Review Committee to monitor, review, ensure submission to regulators, and upload required financial documents to MyPTEZ;

    • chair the Budget Committee

  • Responsibilities of the Thirty-Second District PTA Financial Reviewer include but are not limited to the following:

    • chair the Audit Committee;

    • promptly complete the fiscal mid-year and year-end audits of the district;

    • complete audits at councils and units when mismanagement or misconduct is suspected;

    • advise units when additional audits are required, for example, at the resignation of a financial officer or closing of a bank account;

    • if not completed by the unit, conduct the final audit of units to be disbanded;

    • assist units and councils with audits and training, as necessary.