Distance Learning FAQs

Many of our Districts and Schools are offering Distance Learning during the school closures. Here you will find some answers and resources.

I’m a caregiver, how can I support learning at home?

Our districts recognize that Distance Learning may be something new for our families, and want their students to succeed. Please contact your district to find out more of what plans they have developed for you and your student(s) during school closures.

Here are some other resources to help you and your student(s):

What if I do not have internet access in my home? What is being done to support equitable access to the internet for student learning?

Several schools and districts are supplying our students with the tools they will need to continue their learning from outside their school. Please check your school and districts websites for more information and guidance.

Many cell phone companies are offering unlimited data usage and free WiFi Hotspot usage. Internet providers have announced that they will make their services available for free for households with K-12 and/or college students who don’t already have internet through the company. Please contact your local service provider for additional information.

Some service provider information:

  • Sprint:

    • Customers with metered data plans will receive unlimited data per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.

    • We will provide customers with an additional 20GB of mobile hotspot data per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.

    • Beginning March 18 - 26: Customers with mobile hotspot-capable handsets who don’t have mobile hotspot today will now get 20GB as well per month for 60 days (a minimum of two bill cycles) at no extra cost.

  • Comcast:

    • Xfinity WiFi hotspots located in out of home locations like small businesses will be available to anyone who needs them for free — including non-Xfinity Internet customers. See our Xfinity WiFi hotspot map. Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the "xfinitywifi" network name in the list of available hotspots, and then launch a browser.

    • With so many of our customers working and learning from home, we want you to access the internet without thinking about data plans. While the vast majority of our customers do not come close to using 1TB of data in a month, we are pausing our data plans through May 13, 2020, giving all customers Unlimited data for no additional charge.

    • More information

    • Internet Essentials program for eligible families:

      • New Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service, which is available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95/month plus tax. Apply by April 30, 2020… Additionally, for all new and existing Internet Essentials customers, the speed of the program's Internet service has increased to 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream.

  • TMobile:

    • All current T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers who have data plans will have unlimited smartphone data, excluding roaming.

    • T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers will get an additional 20GB of mobile hotspots/tethering service for the next 60 days.

    • Work with Lifeline partners to get customers extra free data up to 5GB per month over the next two months

    • Increase data allowance for free to schools and students for the next 60 days, which means at least 20GB of data per month for each participant

    • For more information, click HERE.

What about school meals support?

Please see a full list of meal service locations provided by our districts and schools by clicking here.

Please note that links that redirect you to websites outside of 32ndpta.org are neither run by nor endorsed by Thirty-Second District PTA.