delegate information

Delegates are elected at an association meeting after convention fees are posted by the California State PTA and before the convention.  Now is the time to elect your delegates and review your budget to determine if additional funds can be allocated to the budget to fully fund expenses for your voting delegate(s) and non-voting delegate(s), or to set a reasonable reimbursement that is not to exceed a specific amount per person.

What does a delegate do?  

  • Attends every Convention General Meeting, workshops/table talks each session, and CAPTA evening event.

  • Meets and mingles with other 32nd District attendees, CAPTA Leaders and other PTA members from across California.

  • Submits a report about the Convention to their unit/council.

  • Most importantly – Votes on behalf of their association, on any resolutions or other actions brought up for discussion  

How many delegates can we send?

  • Your unit/council must be in Good Standing:

    • Are your bylaws current or in the process?

    • Did you forward 15 memberships?

    • Did you pay insurance?

    • Did you do your taxes?

    • Did you send in your workers comp?

    • Not sure? Email Thirty-Second District Treasurer Linda Mayo at

  • Councils are allowed one delegate or alternate elected from each council executive board, in addition to the council president or president-elect or elected alternate, for a maximum of two voting delegates per council (California State PTA Bylaws, Article XV, Section 3c).

For the Parliamentary procedure for the election of delegates and for the release of funds, please follow this link.